Local governments urged to pass resolutions in support of Highway 14 expansion

It is vitally important in the coming months that our local government members adopt resolutions of support for Highway 14 expansion. This message is to give you some background information and tools you need to pass a resolution of support for Highway 14 to receive Corridors of Commerce funding.

Why we need to pass resolutions

One of the categories in MnDOT’s Corridors of Commerce project selection process is ”Community Consensus.” Under this category, MnDOT will award points to projects that have unanimous support from the communities that are impacted by a proposed Corridors of Commerce project. Thanks to the advocacy of the Highway 14 Partnership over the years, there is no doubt that Highway 14 expansion has our members’ unanimous support, but MnDOT is asking communities to take specific action in order for projects to be awarded these points in the agency’s scoring system.

Who needs to pass a resolution

Under MnDOT’s selection system, in order for a project to receive full points, all jurisdictions impacted by a project must pass a resolution of support. This means any municipality or county that is touched by the project must pass a resolution and send it MnDOT. While we have a few months to do this, and MnDOT will be sending out notices to communities impacted by eligible projects at a later date, we can get started supporting Highway 14 by passing these resolutions as soon as possible.

Other members, such as chambers of commerce, will contribute by submitting letters of support for the project. These are also awarded points in the scoring process. We will be coordinating with them, and may ask for your help in doing so.

What to do next

Please see this sample resolution. Your community should feel free to edit the document with additional details that are important to you. Then, please add this resolution to the agenda of one of your City Council or County Board meetings in the near future.

Once passed, please send a copy to Highway 14 Partnership lobbyist Shane Zahrt at SAZahrt@flaherty-hood.com. MnDOT has not yet provided the address where they would like these resolutions submitted, so we will keep members updated as more information becomes available.


If you have any questions, please contact Shane Zahrt at (651) 259-1906 or SAZahrt@flaherty-hood.com. Thank you for your tireless advocacy on behalf of expanding Highway 14!

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